「モジュール:Message box/configuration」の版間の差分

ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
template>Guillaume (WMF)
(add machine-readable markers as part of the File metadata cleanup drive. You can help!)
(1版 をインポートしました)
1行目: 1行目:
local ambox = {
types = {
--                          Message box configuration                        --
speedy = {
--                                                                            --
class = 'ambox-speedy',
-- This module contains configuration data for [[Module:Message box]].        --
image = 'Ambox speedy deletion.png'
delete = {
return {
class = 'ambox-delete',
ambox = {
image = 'Ambox deletion.png'
types = {
speedy = {
content = {
class = 'ambox-speedy',
class = 'ambox-content',
image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
image = 'Ambox content.png'
delete = {
style = {
class = 'ambox-delete',
class = 'ambox-style',
image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
content = {
move = {
class = 'ambox-content',
class = 'ambox-move',
image = 'Ambox important.svg'
image = 'Ambox move.png'
style = {
protection = {
class = 'ambox-style',
class = 'ambox-protection',
image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
image = 'Ambox protection.png'
move = {
class = 'ambox-move',
image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
protection = {
class = 'ambox-protection',
image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg'
notice = {
class = 'ambox-notice',
image = 'Information icon4.svg'
notice = {
default                    = 'notice',
class = 'ambox-notice',
allowBlankParams            = {'talk', 'sect', 'date', 'issue', 'fix', 'subst', 'hidden'},
image = 'Ambox notice.png'
allowSmall                  = true,
smallParam                  = 'left',
smallClass                  = 'mbox-small-left',
substCheck                  = true,
classes                    = {--[['metadata',]] 'ambox'},
imageEmptyCell              = true,
imageCheckBlank            = true,
imageSmallSize              = '20x20px',
imageCellDiv                = true,
useCollapsibleTextFields    = true,
imageRightNone              = true,
sectionDefault              = '記事',
allowMainspaceCategories    = true,
templateCategory            = '記事メッセージボックス',
        templateCategoryRequireName = true,
templateErrorCategory      = 'パラメータ指定の無い記事メッセージボックス',
templateErrorParamsToCheck  = {'issue', 'fix', 'subst'},
templatestyles              = 'Module:Message box/ambox.css'
default                    = 'notice',
allowBlankParams            = {'talk', 'sect', 'date', 'issue', 'fix', 'subst', 'hidden'},
cmbox = {
allowSmall                  = true,
types = {
smallParam                  = 'left',
speedy = {
smallClass                  = 'mbox-small-left',
class = 'cmbox-speedy',
substCheck                  = true,
image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
classes                    = {--[['metadata',]] 'plainlinks', 'ambox'},
imageEmptyCell              = true,
delete = {
imageCheckBlank            = true,
class = 'cmbox-delete',
imageSmallSize              = '20x20px',
image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
imageCellDiv                = true,
useCollapsibleTextFields    = true,
content = {
imageRightNone              = true,
class = 'cmbox-content',
sectionDefault              = '記事',
image = 'Ambox important.svg'
allowMainspaceCategories    = true,
templateCategory            = '記事メッセージボックス',
style = {
        templateCategoryRequireName = true,
class = 'cmbox-style',
templateErrorCategory      = 'パラメータ指定の無い記事メッセージボックス',
image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
templateErrorParamsToCheck  = {'issue', 'fix', 'subst'}
move = {
class = 'cmbox-move',
local cmbox = {
image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
types = {
speedy = {
protection = {
class = 'cmbox-speedy',
class = 'cmbox-protection',
image = 'Cmbox deletion.png'
image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg'
delete = {
notice = {
class = 'cmbox-delete',
class = 'cmbox-notice',
image = 'Cmbox deletion.png'
image = 'Information icon4.svg'
content = {
class = 'cmbox-content',
image = 'Cmbox content.png'
style = {
class = 'cmbox-style',
image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
move = {
class = 'cmbox-move',
image = 'Cmbox move.png'
protection = {
class = 'cmbox-protection',
image = 'Cmbox protection.png'
notice = {
default              = 'notice',
class = 'cmbox-notice',
showInvalidTypeError = true,
image = 'Cmbox notice.png'
classes              = {'cmbox'},
imageEmptyCell      = true,
templatestyles      = 'Module:Message box/cmbox.css'
default              = 'notice',
showInvalidTypeError = true,
fmbox = {
classes              = {'plainlinks', 'cmbox'},
types = {
imageEmptyCell      = true,
warning = {
templateCategory    = 'カテゴリメッセージボックス'
class = 'fmbox-warning',
image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
local fmbox = {
editnotice = {
types = {
class = 'fmbox-editnotice',
warning = {
image = 'Information icon4.svg'
class = 'fmbox-warning',
image = 'Cmbox deletion.png'
system = {
class = 'fmbox-system',
editnotice = {
image = 'Information icon4.svg'
class = 'fmbox-editnotice',
image = 'Imbox notice.png'
system = {
default              = 'system',
class = 'fmbox-system',
showInvalidTypeError = true,
image = 'Imbox notice.png'
classes              = {'fmbox'},
imageEmptyCell      = false,
imageRightNone      = false,
templatestyles      = 'Module:Message box/fmbox.css'
default              = 'system',
showInvalidTypeError = true,
imbox = {
allowId                = true,
types = {
classes              = {'plainlinks', 'fmbox'},
speedy = {
imageEmptyCell      = false,
class = 'imbox-speedy',
imageRightNone      = false--,
image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
-- templateCategory    = 'ヘッダ・フッタメッセージボックス'
delete = {
class = 'imbox-delete',
local imbox = {
image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
types = {
speedy = {
content = {
class = 'imbox-speedy',
class = 'imbox-content',
image = 'Imbox speedy deletion.png'
image = 'Ambox important.svg'
delete = {
style = {
class = 'imbox-delete',
class = 'imbox-style',
image = 'Imbox deletion.png'
image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
content = {
move = {
class = 'imbox-content',
class = 'imbox-move',
image = 'Imbox content.png'
image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
style = {
protection = {
class = 'imbox-style',
class = 'imbox-protection',
image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg'
license = {
class = 'imbox-license licensetpl',
image = 'Imbox license.png' -- @todo We need an SVG version of this
featured = {
class = 'imbox-featured',
image = 'Cscr-featured.svg'
notice = {
class = 'imbox-notice',
image = 'Information icon4.svg'
move = {
default              = 'notice',
class = 'imbox-move',
showInvalidTypeError = true,
image = 'Imbox move.png'
classes              = {'imbox'},
imageEmptyCell      = true,
protection = {
below                = true,
class = 'imbox-protection',
templateCategory    = 'ファイルメッセージボックス',
image = 'Imbox protection.png'
templatestyles      = 'Module:Message box/imbox.css'
license = {
class = 'imbox-license licensetpl',
image = 'Imbox license.png'
featured = {
class = 'imbox-featured',
image = 'Imbox featured.png'
notice = {
class = 'imbox-notice',
image = 'Imbox notice.png'
default              = 'notice',
showInvalidTypeError = true,
ombox = {
classes              = {'imbox'},
types = {
usePlainlinksParam  = true,
speedy = {
imageEmptyCell      = true,
class = 'ombox-speedy',
below                = true,
image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
templateCategory    = 'ファイルメッセージボックス'
delete = {
class = 'ombox-delete',
local ombox = {
image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
types = {
speedy = {
content = {
class = 'ombox-speedy',
class = 'ombox-content',
image = 'Imbox speedy deletion.png'
image = 'Ambox important.svg'
delete = {
style = {
class = 'ombox-delete',
class = 'ombox-style',
image = 'Imbox deletion.png'
image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
content = {
move = {
class = 'ombox-content',
class = 'ombox-move',
image = 'Imbox content.png'
image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
style = {
protection = {
class = 'ombox-style',
class = 'ombox-protection',
image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg'
move = {
notice = {
class = 'ombox-move',
class = 'ombox-notice',
image = 'Imbox move.png'
image = 'Information icon4.svg'
protection = {
default              = 'notice',
class = 'ombox-protection',
showInvalidTypeError = true,
image = 'Imbox protection.png'
classes              = {'ombox'},
allowSmall          = true,
notice = {
imageEmptyCell      = true,
class = 'ombox-notice',
imageRightNone      = true,
image = 'Imbox notice.png'
templatestyles      = 'Module:Message box/ombox.css'
default              = 'notice',
showInvalidTypeError = true,
tmbox = {
classes              = {'plainlinks', 'ombox'},
types = {
allowSmall          = true,
speedy = {
imageEmptyCell      = true,
class = 'tmbox-speedy',
imageRightNone      = true
image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
delete = {
local tmbox = {
class = 'tmbox-delete',
types = {
image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
speedy = {
class = 'tmbox-speedy',
content = {
image = 'Imbox speedy deletion.png'
class = 'tmbox-content',
image = 'Ambox important.svg'
style = {
class = 'tmbox-style',
image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
move = {
class = 'tmbox-move',
image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
protection = {
class = 'tmbox-protection',
image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg'
notice = {
class = 'tmbox-notice',
image = 'Information icon4.svg'
delete = {
default              = 'notice',
class = 'tmbox-delete',
showInvalidTypeError = true,
image = 'Imbox deletion.png'
classes              = {'tmbox'},
allowSmall          = true,
content = {
imageRightNone      = true,
class = 'tmbox-content',
imageEmptyCell      = true,
image = 'Imbox content.png'
templateCategory    = 'ノートページメッセージボックス',
templatestyles      = 'Module:Message box/tmbox.css'
style = {
class = 'tmbox-style',
image = 'Edit-clear.svg '
move = {
class = 'tmbox-move',
image = 'Imbox move.png'
protection = {
class = 'tmbox-protection',
image = 'Imbox protection.png'
notice = {
class = 'tmbox-notice',
image = 'Imbox notice.png'
default              = 'notice',
showInvalidTypeError = true,
classes              = {'plainlinks', 'tmbox'},
allowId              = true,
allowSmall          = true,
imageRightNone      = true,
imageEmptyCell      = true,
imageEmptyCellStyle  = true,
templateCategory    = 'ノートページメッセージボックス'
return {
ambox = ambox,
cmbox = cmbox,
fmbox = fmbox,
imbox = imbox,
ombox = ombox,
tmbox = tmbox

2023年4月14日 (金) 15:50時点における最新版

このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:Message box/configuration/doc に作成できます

--                          Message box configuration                         --
--                                                                            --
-- This module contains configuration data for [[Module:Message box]].        --

return {
	ambox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'ambox-speedy',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			delete = {
				class = 'ambox-delete',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			content = {
				class = 'ambox-content',
				image = 'Ambox important.svg'
			style = {
				class = 'ambox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'ambox-move',
				image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
			protection = {
				class = 'ambox-protection',
				image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg'
			notice = {
				class = 'ambox-notice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default                     = 'notice',
		allowBlankParams            = {'talk', 'sect', 'date', 'issue', 'fix', 'subst', 'hidden'},
		allowSmall                  = true,
		smallParam                  = 'left',
		smallClass                  = 'mbox-small-left',
		substCheck                  = true,
		classes                     = {--[['metadata',]] 'ambox'},
		imageEmptyCell              = true,
		imageCheckBlank             = true,
		imageSmallSize              = '20x20px',
		imageCellDiv                = true,
		useCollapsibleTextFields    = true,
		imageRightNone              = true,
		sectionDefault              = '記事',
		allowMainspaceCategories    = true,
		templateCategory            = '記事メッセージボックス',
	        templateCategoryRequireName = true,
		templateErrorCategory       = 'パラメータ指定の無い記事メッセージボックス',
		templateErrorParamsToCheck  = {'issue', 'fix', 'subst'},
		templatestyles              = 'Module:Message box/ambox.css'
	cmbox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'cmbox-speedy',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			delete = {
				class = 'cmbox-delete',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			content = {
				class = 'cmbox-content',
				image = 'Ambox important.svg'
			style = {
				class = 'cmbox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'cmbox-move',
				image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
			protection = {
				class = 'cmbox-protection',
				image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg'
			notice = {
				class = 'cmbox-notice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default              = 'notice',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'cmbox'},
		imageEmptyCell       = true,
		templatestyles       = 'Module:Message box/cmbox.css'
	fmbox = {
		types = {
			warning = {
				class = 'fmbox-warning',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			editnotice = {
				class = 'fmbox-editnotice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
			system = {
				class = 'fmbox-system',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default              = 'system',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'fmbox'},
		imageEmptyCell       = false,
		imageRightNone       = false,
		templatestyles       = 'Module:Message box/fmbox.css'
	imbox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'imbox-speedy',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			delete = {
				class = 'imbox-delete',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			content = {
				class = 'imbox-content',
				image = 'Ambox important.svg'
			style = {
				class = 'imbox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'imbox-move',
				image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
			protection = {
				class = 'imbox-protection',
				image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg'
			license = {
				class = 'imbox-license licensetpl',
				image = 'Imbox license.png' -- @todo We need an SVG version of this
			featured = {
				class = 'imbox-featured',
				image = 'Cscr-featured.svg'
			notice = {
				class = 'imbox-notice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default              = 'notice',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'imbox'},
		imageEmptyCell       = true,
		below                = true,
		templateCategory     = 'ファイルメッセージボックス',
		templatestyles       = 'Module:Message box/imbox.css'
	ombox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'ombox-speedy',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			delete = {
				class = 'ombox-delete',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			content = {
				class = 'ombox-content',
				image = 'Ambox important.svg'
			style = {
				class = 'ombox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'ombox-move',
				image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
			protection = {
				class = 'ombox-protection',
				image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg'
			notice = {
				class = 'ombox-notice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default              = 'notice',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'ombox'},
		allowSmall           = true,
		imageEmptyCell       = true,
		imageRightNone       = true,
		templatestyles       = 'Module:Message box/ombox.css'
	tmbox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'tmbox-speedy',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			delete = {
				class = 'tmbox-delete',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			content = {
				class = 'tmbox-content',
				image = 'Ambox important.svg'
			style = {
				class = 'tmbox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'tmbox-move',
				image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
			protection = {
				class = 'tmbox-protection',
				image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg'
			notice = {
				class = 'tmbox-notice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default              = 'notice',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'tmbox'},
		allowSmall           = true,
		imageRightNone       = true,
		imageEmptyCell       = true,
		templateCategory     = 'ノートページメッセージボックス',
		templatestyles       = 'Module:Message box/tmbox.css'