local p = {} local aliasesP = { coord = "P625", author = "P50", publisher = "P123", importedFrom = "P143", statedIn = "P248", publicationDate = "P577", startTime = "P580", endTime = "P582", retrieved = "P813", referenceURL = "P854", archiveURL = "P1065", title = "P1476", quote = "P1683", shortName = "P1813", language = "P2439", archiveDate = "P2960" } local aliasesQ = { percentage = "Q11229", prolepticJulianCalendar = "Q1985786" } local parameters = { property = "%p", qualifier = "%q", reference = "%r", separator = "%s" } local formats = { property = "%p[%s][%r]", qualifier = "%q[%s][%r]", reference = "%r", propertyWithQualifier = "%p[ <span style=\"font-size:smaller\">(%q)</span>][%s][%r]" } local hookNames = { -- {level_1, level_2} [parameters.property] = {"getProperty"}, [parameters.qualifier] = {"getQualifiers", "getQualifier"}, [parameters.reference] = {"getReferences", "getReference"} } local Config = {} Config.__index = Config -- allows for recursive calls function Config.new() local cfg = {} setmetatable(cfg, Config) cfg.separators = { -- use tables so that we can pass by reference ["sep"] = {" "}, ["sep%s"] = {","}, ["sep%q"] = {", "}, ["sep%r"] = {""}, ["punc"] = {""} } cfg.entity = nil cfg.propertyID = nil cfg.propertyValue = nil cfg.qualifierID = nil cfg.bestRank = true cfg.ranks = {true, true, false} -- preferred = true, normal = true, deprecated = false cfg.foundRank = #cfg.ranks cfg.flagBest = false cfg.flagRank = false cfg.periods = {true, true, true} -- future = true, current = true, former = true cfg.flagPeriod = false cfg.mdyDate = false cfg.pageTitle = false cfg.langCode = mw.language.getContentLanguage().code cfg.langName = mw.language.fetchLanguageName(cfg.langCode, cfg.langCode) cfg.langObj = mw.language.new(cfg.langCode) cfg.states = {} cfg.curState = nil return cfg end local State = {} State.__index = State function State.new(cfg) local stt = {} setmetatable(stt, State) stt.conf = cfg stt.outPreferred = {} stt.outNormal = {} stt.outDeprecated = {} stt.parsedFormat = {} stt.separator = {} stt.movSeparator = {} stt.puncMark = {} stt.linked = false stt.rawValue = false stt.shortName = false stt.singleValue = false return stt end function unknownDataTypeError(dataType) return "" .. dataType .. "は不明もしくは未対応のデータタイプです。" end function missingRequiredParameterError() return "必要なパラメータが定義されていません。最低限1つ必要です。" end function extraRequiredParameterError(param) return "パラメータ「" .. param .. "」は任意として定義する必要があります。" end function parseWikidataURL(url) local i, j if url:match('^http[s]?://') then i, j = url:find("Q") if i then return url:sub(i) end end return nil end function parseDate(dateStr, precision) precision = precision or "d" local i, j, index, ptr local parts = {nil, nil, nil} if dateStr == nil then return parts[1], parts[2], parts[3] -- year, month, day end -- 'T' for snak values, '/' for outputs with '/Julian' attached i, j = dateStr:find("[T/]") if i then dateStr = dateStr:sub(1, i-1) end local from = 1 if dateStr:sub(1,1) == "-" then -- this is a negative number, look further ahead from = 2 end index = 1 ptr = 1 i, j = dateStr:find("-", from) if i then -- year parts[index] = tonumber(mw.ustring.gsub(dateStr:sub(ptr, i-1), "^\+(.+)$", "%1"), 10) -- remove + sign if parts[index] == -0 then parts[index] = 0 end if precision == "y" then -- we're done return parts[1], parts[2], parts[3] -- year, month, day end index = index + 1 ptr = i + 1 i, j = dateStr:find("-", ptr) if i then -- month parts[index] = tonumber(dateStr:sub(ptr, i-1), 10) if precision == "m" then -- we're done return parts[1], parts[2], parts[3] -- year, month, day end index = index + 1 ptr = i + 1 end end if dateStr:sub(ptr) ~= "" then -- day if we have month, month if we have year, or year parts[index] = tonumber(dateStr:sub(ptr), 10) end return parts[1], parts[2], parts[3] -- year, month, day end function convertUnit(unit, link) link = link or false local itemID, label, title if unit == "" or unit == "1" then return nil end itemID = parseWikidataURL(unit) if itemID then if itemID == aliasesQ.percentage then return "%" else label = mw.wikibase.label(itemID) title = nil if link or label == nil then title = mw.wikibase.sitelink(itemID) end if link then if title then return " " .. "[[" .. title .. "|" .. (label or title) .. "]]" end if not label then return " " .. "[[d:" .. itemID .. "|" .. itemID .. "]]" end end return " " .. (label or title or itemID) end end return " " .. unit end function getOrdinalSuffix(num) if tostring(num):sub(-2,-2) == '1' then return "th" -- 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, ... 19th end num = tostring(num):sub(-1) if num == '1' then return "" elseif num == '2' then return "" elseif num == '3' then return "" else return "" end end function addDecimalMarks(n) local left,num,right = string.match(n,'^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$') return left..(num:reverse():gsub('(%d%d%d)','%1,'):reverse())..right end function convertRank(rank) if rank == "preferred" then return 1 elseif rank == "normal" then return 2 elseif rank == "deprecated" then return 3 else return 4 -- default (in its literal sense) end end function datePrecedesDate(aY, aM, aD, bY, bM, bD) if aY == nil or bY == nil then return nil end aM = aM or 1 aD = aD or 1 bM = bM or 1 bD = bD or 1 if aY < bY then return true end if aY > bY then return false end if aM < bM then return true end if aM > bM then return false end if aD < bD then return true end return false end function alwaysTrue() return true end function parseFormat(str) local chr, esc, param, root, cur local params = {} local function newObject(array) local obj = {} -- new object obj.str = "" array[#array + 1] = obj -- array{object} obj.parent = array return obj end root = {} -- array root.req = {} cur = newObject(root) esc = false param = false for i = 1, #str do chr = str:sub(i,i) if not esc then if chr == '\\' then esc = true elseif chr == '%' then cur = newObject(cur.parent) param = true else if chr == '[' then cur.child = {} -- new array cur.child.req = {} cur.child.parent = cur cur = newObject(cur.child) elseif chr == ']' then if cur.parent.parent then cur = newObject(cur.parent.parent.parent) end else cur.str = cur.str .. chr if param then cur.str = "%"..cur.str cur.param = true params[cur.str] = true cur.parent.req[cur.str] = true cur = newObject(cur.parent) end end param = false end else cur.str = cur.str .. chr esc = false if param then cur.str = "%"..cur.str cur.param = true params[cur.str] = true cur.parent.req[cur.str] = true cur = newObject(cur.parent) param = false end end end return root, params end function getShortName(itemID) return p._property({itemID, aliasesP.shortName}) -- "property" is single end function getLabel(ID) return p._label({ID}) end function Config:getValue(snak, raw, link, short, anyLang) raw = raw or false link = link or false short = short or false anyLang = anyLang or false if snak.snaktype == 'value' then if snak.datavalue.type == 'string' then return snak.datavalue.value elseif snak.datavalue.type == 'monolingualtext' then if anyLang then return snak.datavalue.value['text'], snak.datavalue.value['language'] elseif snak.datavalue.value['language'] == self.langCode then return snak.datavalue.value['text'] else return nil end elseif snak.datavalue.type == 'quantity' then -- strip + signs from front local value = mw.ustring.gsub(snak.datavalue.value['amount'], "^\+(.+)$", "%1") if not raw then value = addDecimalMarks(value) local unit = convertUnit(snak.datavalue.value['unit'], link) if unit then value = value .. unit end end return value elseif snak.datavalue.type == 'time' then local y, m, d, p, yDiv, yRound, yFull, value, calendarID, dateStr local yFactor = 1 local sign = 1 local suffix = "" local mayAddCalendar = false local calendar = "" local precision = snak.datavalue.value['precision'] if precision == 11 then p = "d" elseif precision == 10 then p = "m" else p = "y" yFactor = 10^(9-precision) end y, m, d = parseDate(snak.datavalue.value['time'], p) if y < 0 then sign = -1 y = y * sign end -- if precision is tens/hundreds/thousands/millions/billions of years if precision <= 8 then yDiv = y / yFactor -- if precision is tens/hundreds/thousands of years if precision >= 6 then mayAddCalendar = true if precision <= 7 then -- round centuries/millenniums up (e.g. 20th century or 3rd millennium) yRound = math.ceil(yDiv) if not raw then if precision == 6 then suffix = " millennium" else suffix = " century" end suffix = getOrdinalSuffix(yRound) .. suffix else -- if not verbose, take the first year of the century/millennium -- (e.g. 1901 for 20th century or 2001 for 3rd millennium) yRound = (yRound - 1) * yFactor + 1 end else -- precision == 8 -- round decades down (e.g. 2010s) yRound = math.floor(yDiv) * yFactor if not raw then suffix = "s" end end if raw and sign < 0 then -- if BCE then compensate for "counting backwards" -- (e.g. -2019 for 2010s BCE, -2000 for 20th century BCE or -3000 for 3rd millennium BCE) yRound = yRound + yFactor - 1 end else local yReFactor, yReDiv, yReRound -- round to nearest for tens of thousands of years or more yRound = math.floor(yDiv + 0.5) if yRound == 0 then if precision <= 2 and y ~= 0 then yReFactor = 1e6 yReDiv = y / yReFactor yReRound = math.floor(yReDiv + 0.5) if yReDiv == yReRound then -- change precision to millions of years only if we have a whole number of them precision = 3 yFactor = yReFactor yRound = yReRound end end if yRound == 0 then -- otherwise, take the unrounded (original) number of years precision = 5 yFactor = 1 yRound = y mayAddCalendar = true end end if precision >= 1 and y ~= 0 then yFull = yRound * yFactor yReFactor = 1e9 yReDiv = yFull / yReFactor yReRound = math.floor(yReDiv + 0.5) if yReDiv == yReRound then -- change precision to billions of years if we're in that range precision = 0 yFactor = yReFactor yRound = yReRound else yReFactor = 1e6 yReDiv = yFull / yReFactor yReRound = math.floor(yReDiv + 0.5) if yReDiv == yReRound then -- change precision to millions of years if we're in that range precision = 3 yFactor = yReFactor yRound = yReRound end end end if not raw then if precision == 3 then suffix = "百万年" elseif precision == 0 then suffix = "億年" else yRound = yRound * yFactor if yRound == 1 then suffix = "年" else suffix = "年" end end else yRound = yRound * yFactor end end else yRound = y mayAddCalendar = true end if mayAddCalendar then calendarID = parseWikidataURL(snak.datavalue.value['calendarmodel']) if calendarID and calendarID == aliasesQ.prolepticJulianCalendar then if not raw then if link then calendar = " ([[ユリウス暦]])" else calendar = " (ユリウス暦)" end else calendar = "/ユリウス暦" end end end if not raw then local ce = nil if sign < 0 then ce = "BCE" elseif precision <= 5 then ce = "CE" end if ce then if link then ce = "[[:en:Common Era|" .. ce .. "]]" end suffix = suffix .. " " .. ce end value = tostring(yRound) if m then dateStr = self.langObj:formatDate("F", "1-"..m.."-1") if d then if self.mdyDate then dateStr = dateStr .. " " .. d .. "," else dateStr = d .. " " .. dateStr end end value = dateStr .. " " .. value end value = value .. suffix .. calendar else value = tostring(yRound * sign) if m then value = value .. "-" .. m if d then value = value .. "-" .. d end end value = value .. calendar end return value elseif snak.datavalue.type == 'globecoordinate' then -- logic from https://github.com/DataValues/Geo local precision, numDigits, strFormat, value, globe local latValue, latitude, latDegrees, latMinutes, latSeconds local latDirection = "北緯" local lonValue, longitude, lonDegrees, lonMinutes, lonSeconds local lonDirection = "東経" local degSymbol = "度" local minSymbol = "分" local secSymbol = '秒' local partsGlue = ", " if raw then degSymbol = "/" minSymbol = "/" secSymbol = "/" partsGlue = "/" end latitude = snak.datavalue.value['latitude'] longitude = snak.datavalue.value['longitude'] if latitude < 0 then latDirection = "南緯" latitude = math.abs(latitude) end if longitude < 0 then lonDirection = "西経" longitude = math.abs(longitude) end precision = snak.datavalue.value['precision'] latitude = math.floor(latitude / precision + 0.5) * precision longitude = math.floor(longitude / precision + 0.5) * precision numDigits = math.ceil(-math.log10(3600 * precision)) if numDigits < 0 or numDigits == -0 then numDigits = 0 end strFormat = "%." .. numDigits .. "f" -- use string.format() to strip decimal point followed by a zero (.0) for whole numbers latSeconds = tonumber(string.format(strFormat, math.floor(latitude * 3600 * 10^numDigits + 0.5) / 10^numDigits)) lonSeconds = tonumber(string.format(strFormat, math.floor(longitude * 3600 * 10^numDigits + 0.5) / 10^numDigits)) latMinutes = math.floor(latSeconds / 60) lonMinutes = math.floor(lonSeconds / 60) latSeconds = latSeconds - (latMinutes * 60) lonSeconds = lonSeconds - (lonMinutes * 60) latDegrees = math.floor(latMinutes / 60) lonDegrees = math.floor(lonMinutes / 60) latMinutes = latMinutes - (latDegrees * 60) lonMinutes = lonMinutes - (lonDegrees * 60) latValue = latDegrees .. degSymbol lonValue = lonDegrees .. degSymbol if precision < 1 then latValue = latValue .. latMinutes .. minSymbol lonValue = lonValue .. lonMinutes .. minSymbol end if precision < (1 / 60) then latSeconds = string.format(strFormat, latSeconds) lonSeconds = string.format(strFormat, lonSeconds) latValue = latValue .. latSeconds .. secSymbol lonValue = lonValue .. lonSeconds .. secSymbol end latValue = latValue .. latDirection lonValue = lonValue .. lonDirection value = latValue .. partsGlue .. lonValue if link then globe = parseWikidataURL(snak.datavalue.value['globe']) if globe then globe = mw.wikibase.label(globe):lower() else globe = "earth" end value = "[https://tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php?language="..self.langCode.."¶ms="..latitude.."_"..latDirection.."_"..longitude.."_"..lonDirection.."_globe:"..globe.." "..value.."]" end return value elseif snak.datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid' then local value = "" local title = nil local itemID = "Q" .. snak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] if raw then if link then return "[[d:" .. itemID .. "|" .. itemID .. "]]" else return itemID end end if short then value = getShortName(itemID) end if value == "" then value = mw.wikibase.label(itemID) end if link or value == nil then title = mw.wikibase.sitelink(itemID) end if link then if title then value = "[[" .. title .. "|" .. (value or title) .. "]]" elseif not value then value = "[[d:" .. itemID .. "|" .. itemID .. "]]" end elseif not value then value = (title or itemID) end return value else return '<strong class="error">' .. unknownDataTypeError(snak.datavalue.type) .. '</strong>' end elseif snak.snaktype == 'somevalue' then if raw then return " " -- single space represents 'somevalue' else return "unknown" end elseif snak.snaktype == 'novalue' then if raw then return "" -- empty string represents 'novalue' else return "none" end else return nil end end function Config:getSingleRawQualifier(claim, qualifierID) local qualifiers if claim.qualifiers then qualifiers = claim.qualifiers[qualifierID] end if qualifiers and qualifiers[1] then return self:getValue(qualifiers[1], true) -- raw = true else return nil end end function Config:snakEqualsValue(snak, value) local snakValue = self:getValue(snak, true) -- raw = true if snakValue and snak.snaktype == 'value' and snak.datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid' then value = value:upper() end return snakValue == value end function Config:setRank(rank) local rankPos if rank == "best" then self.bestRank = true self.flagBest = true -- mark that 'best' flag was given return end if rank:sub(1,9) == "preferred" then rankPos = 1 elseif rank:sub(1,6) == "normal" then rankPos = 2 elseif rank:sub(1,10) == "deprecated" then rankPos = 3 else return end -- one of the rank flags was given, check if another one was given before if not self.flagRank then self.ranks = {false, false, false} -- no other rank flag given before, so unset ranks self.bestRank = self.flagBest -- unsets bestRank only if 'best' flag was not given before self.flagRank = true -- mark that a rank flag was given end if rank:sub(-1) == "+" then for i = rankPos, 1, -1 do self.ranks[i] = true end elseif rank:sub(-1) == "-" then for i = rankPos, #self.ranks do self.ranks[i] = true end else self.ranks[rankPos] = true end end function Config:setPeriod(period) local periodPos if period == "future" then periodPos = 1 elseif period == "current" then periodPos = 2 elseif period == "former" then periodPos = 3 else return end -- one of the period flags was given, check if another one was given before if not self.flagPeriod then self.periods = {false, false, false} -- no other period flag given before, so unset periods self.flagPeriod = true -- mark that a period flag was given end self.periods[periodPos] = true end function Config:processFlag(flag) if not flag then return false else flag = mw.text.trim(flag) end if flag == "linked" then self.curState.linked = true return true elseif flag == "raw" then self.curState.rawValue = true if self.curState == self.states[parameters.reference] then -- raw reference values end with periods and require a separator different from "" self.separators["sep%r"][1] = " " end return true elseif flag == "short" then self.curState.shortName = true return true elseif flag == "mdy" then self.mdyDate = true return true elseif flag == "best" or flag:match('^preferred[+-]?$') or flag:match('^normal[+-]?$') or flag:match('^deprecated[+-]?$') then self:setRank(flag) return true elseif flag == "future" or flag == "current" or flag == "former" then self:setPeriod(flag) return true elseif flag == "" then -- ignore empty flags and carry on return true else return false end end function Config:processFlagOrCommand(flag) local param = "" if not flag then return false else flag = mw.text.trim(flag) end if flag == "property" or flag == "properties" then param = parameters.property elseif flag:match('^qualifier[s]?$') then param = parameters.qualifier elseif flag:match('^reference[s]?$') then param = parameters.reference else return self:processFlag(flag) end if self.states[param] then return false end -- create a new State for each command self.states[param] = State.new(self) -- use "%x" as the general parameter name self.states[param].parsedFormat = parseFormat("%x") -- will be overwritten for param=="%p" -- set the separator self.states[param].separator = self.separators["sep"..param] -- will be nil for param=="%p", which will be set separately if string.sub(flag, -1) ~= 's' then self.states[param].singleValue = true end self.curState = self.states[param] return true end function Config:rankMatches(rankPos) if self.bestRank then return (self.ranks[rankPos] and self.foundRank >= rankPos) else return self.ranks[rankPos] end end function Config:timeMatches(claim) local startTime = nil local startTimeY = nil local startTimeM = nil local startTimeD = nil local endTime = nil local endTimeY = nil local endTimeM = nil local endTimeD = nil if self.periods[1] and self.periods[2] and self.periods[3] then -- any time return true end local now = os.date('!*t') startTime = self:getSingleRawQualifier(claim, aliasesP.startTime) if startTime and startTime ~= "" and startTime ~= " " then startTimeY, startTimeM, startTimeD = parseDate(startTime) end endTime = self:getSingleRawQualifier(claim, aliasesP.endTime) if endTime and endTime ~= "" and endTime ~= " " then endTimeY, endTimeM, endTimeD = parseDate(endTime) elseif endTime == " " then -- end time is 'unknown', assume it is somewhere in the past; -- we can do this by taking the current date as a placeholder for the end time endTimeY = now['year'] endTimeM = now['month'] endTimeD = now['day'] end if startTimeY ~= nil and endTimeY ~= nil and datePrecedesDate(endTimeY, endTimeM, endTimeD, startTimeY, startTimeM, startTimeD) then -- invalidate end time if it precedes start time endTimeY = nil endTimeM = nil endTimeD = nil end if self.periods[1] then -- future if startTimeY and datePrecedesDate(now['year'], now['month'], now['day'], startTimeY, startTimeM, startTimeD) then return true end end if self.periods[2] then -- current if (startTimeY == nil or not datePrecedesDate(now['year'], now['month'], now['day'], startTimeY, startTimeM, startTimeD)) and (endTimeY == nil or datePrecedesDate(now['year'], now['month'], now['day'], endTimeY, endTimeM, endTimeD)) then return true end end if self.periods[3] then -- former if endTimeY and not datePrecedesDate(now['year'], now['month'], now['day'], endTimeY, endTimeM, endTimeD) then return true end end return false end function State:claimMatches(claim) local matches, rankPos -- if a property value was given, check if it matches the claim's property value if self.conf.propertyValue then matches = self.conf:snakEqualsValue(claim.mainsnak, self.conf.propertyValue) else matches = true end -- check if the claim's rank and time period match rankPos = convertRank(claim.rank) matches = (matches and self.conf:rankMatches(rankPos) and self.conf:timeMatches(claim)) return matches, rankPos end function State:appendOutput(result, rankPos) local done = false -- a rankPos should only apply to complete claims, NOT to its individual qualifiers or references; -- for the latter two, no rankPos should be given and their default rankPos must be the highest possible (i.e. 1) if rankPos then -- must NOT be reached when appending individual qualifiers or references if self.conf.foundRank > rankPos then self.conf.foundRank = rankPos -- must NOT be overwritten when appending individual qualifiers or references if self.conf.bestRank or self.singleValue then -- found a better rank, reset worse rank outputs if self.conf.foundRank == 1 then self.outNormal = {} self.outDeprecated = {} elseif self.conf.foundRank == 2 then self.outDeprecated = {} end end end else -- must be reached when appending individual qualifiers or references rankPos = 1 -- must be the highest possible (i.e. 1) end if rankPos == 1 then -- must always be reached when appending individual qualifiers or references self.outPreferred[#self.outPreferred + 1] = result if self.singleValue then done = true end elseif rankPos == 2 then self.outNormal[#self.outNormal + 1] = result if self.singleValue and not self.conf.ranks[1] then done = true end elseif rankPos == 3 then self.outDeprecated[#self.outDeprecated + 1] = result if self.singleValue and not self.conf.ranks[1] and not self.conf.ranks[2] then done = true end end return done end function State:out() local out = "" local function walk(formatTable, result) local str = "" for i, v in pairs(formatTable.req) do if not result[i] then -- we've got no result for a parameter that is required on this level, -- so skip this level (and its children) by returning an empty string return "" end end for i, v in ipairs(formatTable) do if v.param then str = str .. result[v.str] else str = str .. v.str end if v.child then str = str .. walk(v.child, result) end end return str end local function prepend(results) local sep = "" local result, value -- iterate from back to front, so that we know when to add separators for i = #results, 1, -1 do result = results[i] -- if there is already some output, then add the separators if out ~= "" then sep = self.separator[1] -- fixed separator result[parameters.separator] = self.movSeparator[1] -- movable separator else sep = "" result[parameters.separator] = self.puncMark[1] -- optional punctuation mark end value = walk(self.parsedFormat, result) if value ~= "" then out = value .. sep .. out end end end prepend(self.outDeprecated) prepend(self.outNormal) prepend(self.outPreferred) -- reset state before next iteration self.outDeprecated = {} self.outNormal = {} self.outPreferred = {} return out end -- level 1 hook function State:getProperty(claim) return self.conf:getValue(claim.mainsnak, self.rawValue, self.linked, self.shortName) end -- level 1 hook function State:getQualifiers(claim) local qualifiers if claim.qualifiers then qualifiers = claim.qualifiers[self.conf.qualifierID] end if qualifiers then -- iterate through claim's qualifier statements to collect their values return self.conf.states[parameters.qualifier]:iterate(qualifiers, {["%x"] = hookNames[parameters.qualifier][2], count = 1}) -- pass qualifier State with level 2 hook else return nil end end -- level 2 hook function State:getQualifier(snak) return self.conf:getValue(snak, self.rawValue, self.linked, self.shortName) end -- level 1 hook function State:getReferences(claim) if claim.references then -- iterate through claim's reference statements to collect their values return self.conf.states[parameters.reference]:iterate(claim.references, {["%x"] = hookNames[parameters.reference][2], count = 1}) -- pass reference State with level 2 hook else return nil end end -- level 2 hook -- logic determined based on https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:Sources function State:getReference(statement) local snakValue, lang, property local value = "" local snaks = {} local params = {} local leadParams = {} if statement.snaks then for i, v in pairs(statement.snaks) do if v[1] then snaks[i] = v[1] end end if snaks[aliasesP.importedFrom] then snaks[aliasesP.importedFrom] = nil end if snaks[aliasesP.referenceURL] and snaks[aliasesP.title] then params["url"] = self.conf:getValue(snaks[aliasesP.referenceURL]) params["title"] = self.conf:getValue(snaks[aliasesP.title], false, false, false, true) -- anyLang = true if snaks[aliasesP.publicationDate] then params["date"] = self.conf:getValue(snaks[aliasesP.publicationDate]) end if snaks[aliasesP.retrieved] then params["access-date"] = self.conf:getValue(snaks[aliasesP.retrieved]) end if snaks[aliasesP.archiveURL] then params["archive-url"] = self.conf:getValue(snaks[aliasesP.archiveURL]) end if snaks[aliasesP.archiveDate] then params["archive-date"] = self.conf:getValue(snaks[aliasesP.archiveDate]) end if snaks[aliasesP.author] then params["author"] = self.conf:getValue(snaks[aliasesP.author]) end if snaks[aliasesP.publisher] then params["publisher"] = self.conf:getValue(snaks[aliasesP.publisher]) end if snaks[aliasesP.quote] then params["quote"] = self.conf:getValue(snaks[aliasesP.quote], false, false, false, true) end -- anyLang = true if snaks[aliasesP.language] then snakValue = self.conf:getValue(snaks[aliasesP.language]) if self.conf.langName ~= snakValue then params["language"] = snakValue end end value = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{title="cite_web", args=params} else for i, v in pairs(snaks) do property = getLabel(i) if property ~= "" then snakValue, lang = self.conf:getValue(v, false, (i == aliasesP.statedIn), false, true) -- link = true/false, anyLang = true if lang and lang ~= self.conf.langCode then snakValue = "''" .. snakValue .. "'' (" .. mw.language.fetchLanguageName(lang, self.conf.langCode) .. ")" end if i == aliasesP.referenceURL or i == aliasesP.statedIn then leadParams[#leadParams + 1] = snakValue elseif i ~= aliasesP.language or self.conf.langName ~= snakValue then params[#params + 1] = property .. ": " .. snakValue end end end value = table.concat(leadParams, "; ") params = table.concat(params, "; ") if params ~= "" then if value ~= "" then value = value .. "; " end value = value .. params end if value ~= "" then value = value .. "." end end if value ~= "" then if not self.rawValue then -- add <ref> tags with the reference's hash as its name (to deduplicate references) value = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag("ref", value, {name = "wikidata-" .. statement.hash}) end else value = nil end end return value end -- iterate through claims, claim's qualifiers or claim's references to collect values function State:iterate(statements, hooks, matchHook) matchHook = matchHook or alwaysTrue local done = false local matches = false local rankPos = nil local result, numValues, doAppend, gotRequired for i, v in ipairs(statements) do -- rankPos will be nil for non-claim statements (e.g. qualifiers, references, etc.), -- but let appendOutput handle that matches, rankPos = matchHook(self, v) if matches then result = {count = 0} doAppend = true -- if we need to return a single value, check if we don't have one already if self.singleValue then if not rankPos or rankPos == 1 then numValues = #self.outPreferred elseif rankPos == 2 then numValues = #self.outNormal elseif rankPos == 3 then numValues = #self.outDeprecated end if numValues > 0 then doAppend = false end end if doAppend then local function walk(formatTable) local value for i2, v2 in pairs(formatTable.req) do if not result[i2] and hooks[i2] then -- call a hook and add its return value to the result value = self[hooks[i2]](self, v) if value then result[i2] = value result.count = result.count + 1 else return false -- we miss a required value for this level end end if result.count == hooks.count then -- we're done if all hooks have been called; -- returning at this point breaks the loop return true end end for i2, v2 in ipairs(formatTable) do if result.count == hooks.count then -- we're done if all hooks have been called; -- returning at this point prevents further childs from being processed return true end if v2.child then walk(v2.child) end end return true end gotRequired = walk(self.parsedFormat) -- only append the result if we got values for all required parameters on the root level if gotRequired then done = self:appendOutput(result, rankPos) if done then break end end end end end return self:out() end function p.property(frame) return p._property(frame.args) end function p._property(args) return execCommand(args, "property") end function p.properties(frame) return p._properties(frame.args) end function p._properties(args) return execCommand(args, "properties") end function p.qualifier(frame) return p._qualifier(frame.args) end function p._qualifier(args) return execCommand(args, "qualifier") end function p.qualifiers(frame) return p._qualifiers(frame.args) end function p._qualifiers(args) return execCommand(args, "qualifiers") end function p.reference(frame) return p._reference(frame.args) end function p._reference(args) return execCommand(args, "reference") end function p.references(frame) return p._references(frame.args) end function p._references(args) return execCommand(args, "references") end function execCommand(args, funcName) _ = Config.new() _:processFlagOrCommand(funcName) -- process first command (== function name) local parsedFormat, formatParams, claims local hooks = {count = 0} local nextArg = args[1] local nextIndex = 2 -- process flags and commands while _:processFlagOrCommand(nextArg) do nextArg = args[nextIndex] nextIndex = nextIndex + 1 end if nextArg then nextArg = mw.text.trim(nextArg) else nextArg = "" end -- check for optional item ID if nextArg:sub(1,1):upper() == "Q" then _.entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(nextArg) -- item ID given _.propertyID = mw.text.trim(args[nextIndex] or "") -- property ID nextIndex = nextIndex + 1 else _.entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity() -- no item ID given, use item connected to current page _.propertyID = nextArg -- property ID end -- check if given property ID is an alias if aliasesP[_.propertyID] then _.propertyID = aliasesP[_.propertyID] end _.propertyID = _.propertyID:upper() if _.states[parameters.qualifier] then -- do further processing if "qualifier(s)" command was given nextArg = args[nextIndex] nextIndex = nextIndex + 1 _.qualifierID = nextArg -- is possibly actually propertyValue, so don't trim just yet nextArg = mw.text.trim(args[nextIndex] or "") nextIndex = nextIndex + 1 if nextArg == "" then -- claim ID or literal value has NOT been given _.propertyValue = nil _.qualifierID = mw.text.trim(_.qualifierID or "") else -- claim ID or literal value has been given _.propertyValue = _.qualifierID -- cannot be nil when reached _.qualifierID = nextArg end -- check if given qualifier ID is an alias if aliasesP[_.qualifierID] then _.qualifierID = aliasesP[_.qualifierID] end _.qualifierID = _.qualifierID:upper() elseif _.states[parameters.reference] then -- do further processing if "reference(s)" command was given nextArg = args[nextIndex] nextIndex = nextIndex + 1 _.propertyValue = nextArg -- claim ID or literal value (possibly nil) end -- check for special property value 'somevalue' or 'novalue' if _.propertyValue then if _.propertyValue ~= "" and mw.text.trim(_.propertyValue) == "" then _.propertyValue = " " -- single space represents 'somevalue', whereas empty string represents 'novalue' else _.propertyValue = mw.text.trim(_.propertyValue) end end -- parse the desired format, or choose an appropriate format if args["format"] then parsedFormat, formatParams = parseFormat(mw.text.trim(args["format"])) elseif _.states[parameters.qualifier] then if _.states[parameters.property] then parsedFormat, formatParams = parseFormat(formats.propertyWithQualifier) else parsedFormat, formatParams = parseFormat(formats.qualifier) end elseif _.states[parameters.property] then parsedFormat, formatParams = parseFormat(formats.property) else parsedFormat, formatParams = parseFormat(formats.reference) -- if only "reference(s)" has been given, make the emtpy string the default separator (except when raw) if not _.states[parameters.reference].rawValue then _.separators["sep"][1] = "" end end -- process overridden separator values; -- must come AFTER parsing the formats for i, v in pairs(_.separators) do if args[i] then _.separators[i][1] = args[i] end end -- make sure that at least one required parameter has been defined if not next(parsedFormat.req) then error(missingRequiredParameterError()) end -- make sure that the separator parameter "%s" is not amongst the required parameters if parsedFormat.req[parameters.separator] then error(extraRequiredParameterError(parameters.separator)) end -- define the hooks that should be called (getProperty, getQualifiers, getReferences); -- only define a hook if both its command ("propert(y|ies)", "qualifier(s)", "reference(s)") and its parameter ("%p", "%q", "%r") have been given for i, v in pairs(_.states) do if formatParams[i] then hooks[i] = hookNames[i][1] hooks.count = hooks.count + 1 end end -- create a state for "properties" if it doesn't exist yet, which will be used as a base configuration for each claim iteration; -- must come AFTER defining the hooks if not _.states[parameters.property] then _.states[parameters.property] = State.new(_) end -- set the parsed format and the separators (and optional punctuation mark) _.states[parameters.property].parsedFormat = parsedFormat _.states[parameters.property].separator = _.separators["sep"] _.states[parameters.property].movSeparator = _.separators["sep"..parameters.separator] _.states[parameters.property].puncMark = _.separators["punc"] if _.entity and _.entity.claims then claims = _.entity.claims[_.propertyID] end if claims then -- iterate through the claims to collect values return _.states[parameters.property]:iterate(claims, hooks, State.claimMatches) -- pass property State with level 1 hooks and matchHook else return "" end end function p.label(frame) return p._label(frame.args) end function p._label(args, _) _ = _ or Config.new() _.curState = State.new(_) local ID local label = "" local title = nil local nextArg = args[1] local nextIndex = 2 while _:processFlag(nextArg) do nextArg = args[nextIndex] nextIndex = nextIndex + 1 end if nextArg then nextArg = mw.text.trim(nextArg) else nextArg = "" end ID = nextArg if ID ~= "" then if aliasesP[ID] then ID = aliasesP[ID] end ID = ID:upper() -- check if this is a valid ID, and if the number is not larger than max int (to prevent error) if not string.match(ID, '^[QP]%d+$') or tonumber(string.match(ID, '%d+')) > 2147483647 then return "" end if _.curState.rawValue then if mw.wikibase.getEntity(ID) or mw.wikibase.resolvePropertyId(ID) then if _.curState.linked then if ID:sub(1,1) == "P" then label = "[[d:Property:" .. ID .. "|" .. ID .. "]]" else label = "[[d:" .. ID .. "|" .. ID .. "]]" end else label = ID end end else if ID:sub(1,1) == "P" then if not _.pageTitle then label = mw.wikibase.label(ID) or "" if _.curState.linked and label ~= "" then label = "[[d:Property:" .. ID .. "|" .. label .. "]]" end end else if not _.pageTitle then if _.curState.shortName then label = getShortName(ID) end -- at this point, 'label' will be a string and not nil if label == "" then label = mw.wikibase.label(ID) end else -- set 'label' to nil so 'title' will always prevail label = nil end -- at this point, 'label' will be nil or a non-empty string if _.curState.linked or label == nil then title = mw.wikibase.sitelink(ID) end if _.curState.linked and title then label = "[[" .. title .. "|" .. (label or title) .. "]]" else label = label or title or "" end end end else if _.curState.rawValue then label = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() or "" if _.curState.linked and label ~= "" then label = "[[d:" .. label .. "|" .. label .. "]]" end else if not _.pageTitle then label = mw.wikibase.label() else -- set 'label' to nil so 'title' will always prevail label = nil end if _.curState.linked or label == nil then title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText end if _.curState.linked then label = "[[" .. title .. "|" .. (label or title) .. "]]" -- not much use since it links to the current page, but does add wiki mark-up else label = label or title end end end return label end function p.title(frame) return p._title(frame.args) end function p._title(args, _) _ = _ or Config.new() _.pageTitle = true return p._label(args, _) end -- main function that is supposed be used by a wrapper template function p.main(frame) local f, args, i, v -- get the parent frame to take the arguments that were passed to the wrapper template frame = frame:getParent() or frame f = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") if f == "main" then error('ファンクション"main"は2度も呼び出せません。') end assert(p["_"..f], 'ファンクション"' .. f .. '"が存在しません。') args = {} -- copy arguments from immutable to mutable table for i, v in pairs(frame.args) do args[i] = v end -- remove the function name from the list table.remove(args, 1) return p["_"..f](args) end return p